What is your REFUND / MEDICAL REFUND policy?
Your well-being is important to us. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise, especially when it comes to health. If a dancer needs to withdraw from an event due to medical reasons, we have a policy in place to assist you. Here's what you need to know:
1. At the live event, a studio representative must submit a doctor's note and credit request form backstage to initiate the future credit process. We cannot accept forms pre or post-events by email.
2. Summit Dance Challenge will retain a 50% fee to cover out-of-pocket expenses related to reserving spots, scheduling, admin work, and award orders.
3. The remaining 50% will be credited back to your studio's account and can be utilized for the following season. If the dancer does not register the following season, their credit will be forfeited. Credits cannot be transferred to another school.
4. Please note that all medical refunds are processed after the competition season has concluded.
We understand that medical circumstances beyond your control may necessitate a credit refund, and we're here to support you. However, it's important to mention that all other fees are non-refundable for any reason.
What is your EVENT CANCELLATION policy?
At SUMMIT we fully understand the complexities of studios choosing their dance competitions each season. If the rare occasion arises that an event has insufficient registrations to run, we provide notification to studios as early as possible and no later than December 31st. At this time, full refunds are issued within 5 days.
"Acts of God" or Circumstances Outside Our Control: An "Act of God" is defined in legal terms as events outside of human control, such as sudden floods, severe weather conditions or other natural disasters, for which no one can be held responsible. Additional circumstances outside of our control are; but are not limited to, mass bacterial infections or communicable diseases, and pandemics. The competition may be forced to cancel due to the described. In this case, SUMMIT is not liable for any loss resulting to the participants as a result of this cancelled event. The competition will make all reasonable efforts to reschedule a cancelled event by arranging an alternative date but this cannot be guaranteed. The competition does not refund participants for cancelled events due to acts of God or circumstances outside of our control.