Friday hotel rooms may be scarce due to nearby events. We are revising out schedule ensures dancers won't need to arrive before Saturday afternoon for competition. If you have any concerns about travel or hotel arrangements, please contact us
Who Qualifies For Nationals
All dancers are welcome to partake in Nationals. Dancers can participate in the full Nationals experience including the completion, or attend the convention-only portion. Competition will start with preliminary rounds which will determine who will get to perform again at the Finals on the last day. (more info) . During our 2023 & 2024 regional tours, select dancers will receive a special invitation to perform in the FINALS OPENING NUMBER. These invitations are awarded to "Studio Standouts" and "Title Winners". (more info)
Participant Registration Fee
Each registered dancer will pay a one-time mandatory Registration Fee. This grants access to ALL convention classes, special events, and the Awards Gala for dancers, their teachers, and two adults.
Competition Fees
Please reach out to your dance school for National competition entry fee pricing. All registrations must come through your dance school. Independent entries are not accepted.
Convention Only Option Fees
For dancers who would like to participate in the convention-only portion and not compete, there is an option to attend the convention classes only. Junior $310, Intermediate & Senior $330.
(Not applicable to dancers who are competing as convention is included in your participation fee)
Reservations: Open October 1st, 2024 (First Come Basis)
A non-refundable deposit is required to reserve spots. Deposits paid will be deducted from the full registration total.
Registration & 50% Payment: May 1st, 2024
Final Payment: June 1st, 2024
Spectator Admission Fees
Spectator Admission is included for participants staying at the River Rock Hotel.
Non-Hotel Guests: Adult Daily - $25, Youth Daily - $10, Dancers Free
Registration & House Rules
For 2024: Studios do not need to compete at a regional event to register for the Finals.
Dance studios must submit all entries; independent entries will not be accepted.
Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and will be limited by available performance time. As most of our events sell out quickly, please send your entries in early.
Be precise! When registering for the competition, ensure Music Titles and Participant Names are entered exactly as they should appear in the SUMMIT Program.
Accurate birthdates and spelling of dancers' names are crucial. Incorrect entries will prevent parents from accessing and downloading their photos & videos online.
A non-refundable deposit is required to reserve or register an entry. This deposit will be applied to the registration balance but cannot be transferred to other events.
All registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. In the event of "force majeure cancellation," Summit Dance Challenge Inc. reserves the right to reschedule.
Upon arrival at Summit, ensure one studio representative picks up your studio owner/teacher bag at the merchandise table.
Dancers must be ready to perform thirty minutes before their scheduled time. Ensure your dance families know that schedules are estimated.
All entries should report backstage to the SDC Stage Manager three numbers before the scheduled performance. Studios failing to do so will not qualify for the Studio Spirit Award.
Routines are expected to be performed in their scheduled order. Performing out of order may affect media and video products and recorded adjudications. If a routine performs after its category is complete, it will not qualify for an overall award.
Photography and videos are prohibited from the audience area and dressing room. Only teachers are allowed to photograph and record their own dancers from backstage. Violations may result in routine disqualification from overall awards.
Routines with overly suggestive movements, inappropriate music lyrics, or costumes may receive lower scores or disqualification if the music contains vulgar or inappropriate lyrics.
Routines clearly placed in the wrong skill level may be moved up by the judges.
Any studio making changes to entries more than one week after the preliminary schedule release will incur change fees, and changes may not be reflected in published programs.
If a dancer is scratched from a duo/trio or group routine, the routine will NOT change categories. Judges will be informed of the missing dancer. Scratches must be communicated to the backstage manager at the event.
All awards must be collected during the competition. Ensure a studio representative is present at all award sessions when dancers cannot attend. Awards will NOT be shipped.
SUMMIT’S VIDEO & PHOTOGRAPHY USE: Contestants and teachers, by entering a SUMMIT event, grant permission for their images, photographs, or appearances in videos, television, or any electronic media for advertising, news coverage, or any other commercial use of our events.
All judging results are FINAL and non-negotiable.
Judging critiques will be provided in video format and available for studio administrators in their studio online account within 48 hours of the competition.
Scores will be available in studio accounts for printing or downloading within 24 hours of the competition.
Parents are not permitted in the backstage area during the competition unless assigned as a chaperone by the studio when a teacher cannot be present. Each studio will receive two parent backstage passes in their studio welcome packages, to be used only when absolutely necessary.
Except for rosin, the use of any substances that could leave marks or debris on the stage is prohibited for safety reasons. Such substances will result in mark deductions or disqualification if found on the stage.
Dressing Room Rules: Food or taking Photos and videos is prohibited in dressing rooms. Studios are responsible for any damages to theatre change rooms. A studio representative must check their dressing room at the conclusion of each day for cleanliness and personal property. Studios not adhering to dressing room rules and not cleaning up after themselves will be disqualified from Studio Spirit awards.
Harassment and unruly behaviour will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification and eviction from the competition premises.
Sportsmanship: All participants, including dancers, parents, and teachers, agree to conduct themselves with the spirit of good sportsmanship, adhering to principles of fair play, ethical behaviour, integrity, and goodwill towards participants, attendees, and staff. Unsportsmanlike behaviour may result in disqualification from specific awards or future Summit events. For the experience and safety of all, please notify an SDC crew member immediately when unsportsmanlike behaviour is observed.
Any performer competing in dance competitions takes certain inherent risks. These include, but are not limited to, sprains, bruises, pulled muscles, and broken bones.
Participation in this competition indicates the acceptance of such risks by performers. Therefore by virtue of entering this event, it is agreed that participants will not hold Summit Dance Challenge® Inc.; or its officers, directors officials, staff or employees responsible for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted by them while in attendance and/or participating in any activity related to a Summit Event.
Summit Dance Challenge® Inc., and the hosting facility are not responsible for personal injury to contestants or spectators.
Summit Dance Challenge is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Props and property left unattended at the venue are at the sole discretion of their owners.
All registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. In the event of "force majeure cancellation," Summit Dance Challenge Inc. reserves the right to reschedule.